Monday, January 28, 2008

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I am sitting here downloading the photos from our recent cruise and I haven't even been home for 24 hours and I am already missing the fine company that Cory and I were able to be in for the incredible week exploring the caribbean! There are so many memories and I find myself sitting here with Hazel in my lap at the computer and just start laughing out loud at every turn of a photo.

anyways...gals I miss you already. We need to find a clubhouse here in the states! Cannot wait to see you all!

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Monday, January 14, 2008

James Favorites

Favorite place to eat
1. Bonsai
2. Cafe Rio
3. Arby's
4. McDonalds
5. Apollo Burger
6. Eat a Burger
7. Subway

Favorite Sports Teams
1. BYU
2. Utah Jazz
3. Colts
4. LSU
5. Miami Dolphins

Favorite Food
1. Macaroni

Favorite Number
1. 9
2. 15
3. 11
4. 53
5. 16

Favorite Sports Players
1. Max Hall
2. Unga
3. Lebron James
4. Tiger

Friday, January 11, 2008

A trip down memory lane....

Trying to organize some photos today, I came across this and I almost
began to cry. I knew the Toledo kids would appreciate it as well.
Zachary was barely 4, think. Either that or 3?
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Thursday, January 10, 2008


Check out the focus in those eyes!! The other day the two guys wanted me to pretend they
different things and they would pose. For example, angry little boy, tough football player,
funny clown, etc.

Here is the latest they have come up for freethrow shooting basketball player.
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Hazel and Dad, January 9, 2008

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Happy Birthday Hazel!!
Hazel turned 1 yesterday. I know everyone says it, but of my goodness time has flown by! Cory made her a yellow cake with chocolate frosting. There was, of course, pink accents. At first she was a little apprehensive, just dipping her little fingers into the frosting. She began with just one hand, but soon figured out that it would be much more efficient to use both!!

At 1 she has been crawling for about 3 weeks, she loves baby dolls, any kind of animal. She is currently very into facial expressions and animal noises. She scrunches up her face when she smiles, it is so not cute, that almost is cute, does that make sense? She is also trying get her "blue steel" look down. She pushes her eyebrows down and gives you the look. A lot of the time you find her crawling after the dog growling. You might think she is smart, but she makes the same noise when you say "ducks go quack, quack"

We love our big-ger Hazel!
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